One of the first parts of a great wedding ceremony is expressing the couple's ideal of their marriage-
what their intentions are. How do they see their marriage, their vision of being together. In other words, how do they see love between the two of them and their joined life. This is a great contemplation and dialogue for any couple considering making this life long commitment.
As I reflect and contemplate marriages I admire, one particular characteristic comes to mind's view; the respect each has for the other as a good, true human being. This of course develops over years of marriage and many experiences, both positive and negative. In my personal observances along with couples personal stories shared, it is the so called "not so good times", getting through these times with honesty, integrity and humility, that develop deep respect for one another. When one sees their partner "digging deep" to become a better person, after recognition of "missing the mark", and their sincere willingness to move into and manifest a higher point of view and higher behavior, a deeper admiration for the one they love continues to develop into true respect.
In my observation and reflection it is this" loving respect" that is what one can see in the togetherness of a couple who have been married for many years. That beautiful adoring way they still reach for each other in their touch, their voice, and their focused eye contact, even while dining out, or hand in hand walking into Home Depot.
Many say that marriage is hard work. I have come to admire that marriage, a good marriage, is one of the most creative endeavors we humans can choose, if both in the marriage "consciously choose" to be responsible for their individual "creating" daily.